Friday, October 20, 2006

First the blessing! We went to our first football practice last night and found out that both kids are on the same team! Whoohoo! The coach will be doing one practice a week and then the games should be on Saturdays. What a big relief. I was worried how I was going to handle so much running around and God took care of it for

Today has been a good day. The kids finished all their school work and I was able to do a little tidying up while they were busy. For lunch we called my Mom and went to Larry's It was a very nice visit and we ended up hanging around for two hours! The little ones amused themselves by running around the empty restaurant. After lunch mom took Genevieve to her house and the rest of us came home. Isaac has fallen asleep again at 4:30. I turned on some music in his room and will see if that helps him sleep through the night. He hasn't slept well for several days so I'm hoping this is one of those sleep for 14 hours days. We could really use one of those today.LOL

The public schools were out today and we decided not to go to the park. It was also hot outside and I just didn't think I could take the heat. A cold front is supposed to come through next week and I will make an extra special effort to go on that day.

Oh, before I came home from lunch there was a tent sale in the parking lot selling used cars. I took a look since Eric has been considering trading in one of our vehicles for a more gas friendly car for him to take to work each day. Well they had some really good prices and are willing to take a trade in. Who knows if anything will come out of this but if Eric likes what the guy says we may have a new to us car at the end of this weekend or the Right now, it costing him $60 a week to go to work and back. It would be so nice to have that bill lowered. The guy said he may be able to make a fair trade with us, and then we wouldn't have to pay anything! That would be really nice. I know that we wouldn't do it if we had to pay more than sales tax and title.

I'm making salsbury steak for dinner tonight with mashed potatoes, gravy and steamed veggies. I was going to make hamburgers but the grill is out of gas and I'm too tired to go get more. lol I'll save that errand for this weekend.

Really, that's our day. Nothing too




Jodi said...

Non-exciting days are good to have sometimes too! It would be nice if your DH could get a more efficient car. I know my DH is thinking along the same lines. Driving the van to work and back uses quite a bit of gas a month.

Your dinner sounds good (I'm simply picturing a vegetarian version of the salisbury steak, LOL). It's getting cold here this evening, I'm liking the sound of some mashed potatoes and gravy....that's one of my favorite foods.

Lisa in Jax said...


I agree! I enjoy those laid back days where I'm not needing to rush about. I don't know if we'll end up with a newer car but it would be so nice if we could lower that gas bill...

Dinner was good! I think it could easily be veggie. Just take veggie burgers, dredge in flour, fry until browned on both sides, add some water and boullion, cover and let simmer. Take burgers out and add any salt or pepper the gravy might need. Serve over mashed potatoes. YUM!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yummmm....this sounds good. I noticed today that the kids are now picking the same meals over and over. I warned them that next week we are adding a bit of variety...but I was THRILLED that both Arielle and Nolan ate CHICKEN this week....I don't really care that they eat MEAT i just want them eating for Zander. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

Divide and conquer!lol Congrats on the eaters! I've got a couple that just won't eat dinner. The younger two don't eat dinner most days. I've noticed that the children I bfed are terrible eaters and the one's I bottle fed will eat Can you blame them? That formula is gross! Anything would taste better than that. I do expect Evie to try the food but usually that's all she does. Isaac, we put in his highchair and give him the plate and then watch him dump Sometimes, he'll try it, most times