Thursday, September 14, 2006

If you want your children to enjoy working, start early! Hard work= a happy preschooler. She loaded all the dishes into the dishwasher and was cheerful the whole time! LOL


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

She is a doll!

Yes, I'm posting without the anon label.....

BTW that's my philosophy too.

Lisa in Jax said...

Congrats on your upgrade! Genevieve really makes life interesting! Keeping her busy is just about the only coping mechanism we've found that works. She's just going to be one of those industrious types.LOL



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I have a couple that have to be kept busy too....and that is good as it forces me to be always interacting with them.....though there are days I'd rather not.

Lisa in Jax said...

It takes ALL of us to keep her busy! No slackers here.LOL

You're right, there are some days when you just don't want to run at mach speed but you just have to, otherwise, you pay the price...LOL

Jodi said...

My busy one (Colin) loves to do housework...sometimes HIS way but still a help! He is so funny he often starts sweeping at friends houses or the house we go to occasionally for a bible study. He knows that he needs to keep busy now at age 8, LOL. I think the busy ones just need something always to do so they don't come up with their own plan to curb boredom! So getting Genevieve helping around the house now will pay off later, she'll do it all on her own and even when you're visiting others, LOLOL.


Lisa in Jax said...


Yes, Genevieve prefers to do all chores "her way" but I've found that it is better than not at all.LOL When my first two were little, I would have never let them do all that she does. I'm just getting much more relaxed and desperate for help these days.LOL I'm glad to hear that it only gets better with time!

