Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good News!!!!

I passed my glucose test!!!! Whoohoo!!!! I also received my RH shot, so I'm set for a while.LOL

Eric called from Isaac's appt and wanted to know if Feb14th would be a good next surgery day. I had to remind him that I'm due the very next week and that no, I'd rather do it sooner or after the baby's I'm notorious for going into labor when people are unavailable and I could just see myself going into labor as soon as they got to the hospital where our phones don't work. Nothing like imagining me, with Jon and Evie, alone in No thank



Jodi said...

I'm sure Evie would be up to the task of Midwife. LOL.

Glad to hear all tests went well and it's just waiting for baby now...and shopping!

Emily said...

That is awesome!!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Great news about your tests....quick catch on the date of the next surgery. LOL

Kristine said...

Lisa, I'm so glad to hear that your testing went well!

Cynthia said...

LOL! I remember you coming to the beach with us and hoping you wouldn't go into labor (LOL)!

Lisa in Jax said...

I was very surprised I made it there and back.lolol I was thankful too since we had so much fun!