Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Sometimes it's hard to focus on the things you want to the most. Life has this ability of getting in the way and you just have to suck it up and get the work done. Sometimes I feel like one of those jugglers, you know the ones, they don't just juggle balls. They juggle chain saws and lawn equipment instead.lol Well, most days I'm juggling family, home, errands, playdates, and still trying to manage to put some time to the side for my dh. Sometimes, this time of the year can make you lose focus. You see all the different things that you need to juggle and it's easy to want to drop those things that you normally do. I have been asking myself what do I want my family to remember this holiday season? Do I want them to remember a messy house? My inability to spend quality time with them so they could have the hottest toys? Me rushing around grumpy and angry because I'm running out of time?lol

What I'd really like for them to remember during this season is us pulling together. Making time for those things that might get pushed to the way-side. I'd also like for them to have the time to make things for others, like cookies or ornaments. I don't want this time to be when I lose focus. I've been tremendously blessed by these people in my life and I want them to see that I appreciate them and love them enough to put those things that could have taken over during this time, aside and give them my focus instead. I can't wait for the holidays!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

AMEN - great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

Kristine said...

Lisa, great post. I wish I could SLOW down and really read it, LOL. I feel like we've slowed down a bunch over the past several years, cutting out a little at a time. My kids enjoy the whole season, and I'm a whole lot less stressed. :)

Lisa in Jax said...

Thanks everyone! We have been enjoying our holidays a lot more.