Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tower Building...

Genevieve's tower built with our over-priced, way too heavy, solid hard wood blocks that will knock you out if they land on you...

Isaac's tower, utilizing "cars" as a decorative medium...

Seriously, they LOVE these blocks. Of course, they never remember when the blocks land on them because they are knocked out. But it does give me a little peace and quiet.LOL


berrypatch said...

I love Evie's pose! ;-) And the cars - of course - it makes perfect sense. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL! I'm in a houseful of characters! I'm sure with your boys you see cars in a lot of their

Debbie said...

I've always wanted a set of those over-priced super heavy solid wood blocks. LOL My kids have had to settle for the cheapy, big box store blocks. I've succombed to some pretty expensive toys, so don't feel too bad. :-)