Hah, I'll never forget when Holly was close to Evie's age on the tire swing. She spun so much that we thought she was going to throw up and was out of commission for the rest of the day, lol!
Lisa, We have a boy in our church that his dad wound up the tire swing SOOOOOO tight, and when he let Jake go, the centrifigual (SP?) force broke ALL of the blood vessels in Jake's eyes. His dad admitted it was a HIGHLY dumb move after the fact.
BTW I was going to tel you since you asked. You asked on a family bible study for your family? I was doing my lesson plans and looking for a unit study and I found a link for you. If you go to my http://homeschoolingforfree.blogspot.com link and click on Unit Studies. Then go to the Four Wheelers. On the side bar, click on Bible study or Bible Studies (not sure which). It will give you a list of them! Hope this can be of help to you!
Hah, I'll never forget when Holly was close to Evie's age on the tire swing. She spun so much that we thought she was going to throw up and was out of commission for the rest of the day, lol!
Allison is banned from all tire swings.LOL You would not believe how many times she made herself sick on one.
We have a boy in our church that his dad wound up the tire swing SOOOOOO tight, and when he let Jake go, the centrifigual (SP?) force broke ALL of the blood vessels in Jake's eyes. His dad admitted it was a HIGHLY dumb move after the fact.
BTW I was going to tel you since you asked. You asked on a family bible study for your family? I was doing my lesson plans and looking for a unit study and I found a link for you. If you go to my http://homeschoolingforfree.blogspot.com link and click on Unit Studies. Then go to the Four Wheelers. On the side bar, click on Bible study or Bible Studies (not sure which). It will give you a list of them! Hope this can be of help to you!
Take care!
Beth in GA
Thanks Beth! I'm going to check it out right now.
Evie actually fell off without the aid of anyone else.LOL I hate those things and never offer to spin them. Too many sick tummys from Allison.LOL
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