Monday, August 27, 2007

My Menu for this week...

This past week was a complete wash in the cooking, cleaning, and school departments. Soooo, this week, will have to make up for it. I've already swept and mopped the hard floors this morning and the kids vacuumed the carpets. We're working on the huge amount of laundry and the kids have done some school work. Sophia is on a good regimen of meds and such and I can see that they are working. I'm not getting much sleep since she needs her meds every six hours and one of those treatments is at 2 am but I'm just glad that she's getting better.

Isaac now has this illness. Please pray that he doesn't get as bad as Sophia did.

My plans for the week are:

1. make granola
2. make granola bars
3. make tortillas
4. make muffins for freezer
5. make meatballs for freezer
6. finish that horrible cabinet in dining room
7. get some chicken soup in the freezer

Hopefully, we'll get some of the above done. If we all fall ill, I hope to at least get the freezer stuff done.

Here's my menu;


Fried Rice
Skillet Lasagne
chicken and dumplings
lentils and rice
Porkchops, noodles, and steamed broccoli
Meatball subs

(all served with salad and fruit)




Debbie said...

Lisa, I am in amazement that you are even thinking of meals after the few weeks you have had. My poor kids get pb & J half the time!

Kathy in WA said...

Lisa - you are definitely my hero! I'd LOVE to get all of that done as well. I made a big batch of muffins today but that's as far as I got.

If only I could do the baking and then be done, but no, they insist on eating everything and requiring me to start all over again. Sigh. :)

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL Debbie,

My kids eat pbj's too. This is just my attempt to get back on track. Sophia's been sick so long, I don't get a break. I just have to get back to the schedule or we'll never get anything done.LOL


Definitely not hero Just ask my kids.LOLOL I didn't get to our muffins yet but I did get some stuff done. Good job!

Jodi said...

I think I've been planning to make muffins for about 7 weeks or so now. LOL

So sorry to hear that Isaac's sick now, sure hope it's not as bad as Sophia was.

Cynthia said...

So sorry to hear that Isaac now has what Sophia has had. I know you work hard at trying to keep everyone healthy.

Anonymous said...

Praying you have a good week and Isaac doesn't get too ill.

Lisa in Jax said...

Thanks everyone. He's got to be the worst patient I've ever seen.LOL

Jodi, muffins have been on my list for probably just as long.LOL