Friday, August 31, 2007
The Epic of Isaac...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
4 cups regular oats
1.5 cups coconut (sweet) (we leave this out)
1.5 cups wheat germ
1 cup brown sugar
.75 cup raisins (we leave this out)
.5 cup pecans, chopped
.5 cup almonds, chopped
.25 tsp salt
.5 cup water
.25 cup oil
2.5 tsp vanilla
Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients and pour over dry. Leave out raisins until cooked. Bake on two 9x13 jelly roll pans at 275 for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Stir in raisins and cool. Keep in an airtight container.
My Daily Ramblings...
Whew. I hit the ground running this morning. I was up at 2am for Sophia's breathing treatment and accidently slept in this morning. I woke at 8:15 and needed to give Sophia another treatment, give her oral meds, feed her rice cereal so she wouldn't gag up the meds, fix everyone breakfast, get dressed, change 3 diapers (2 Sophia-1 Isaac) and get out the door by 8:50 at the latest. We were late.LOL I think I did pretty good anyway. I think the kids were only late by a few minutes and Allison said that the class hadn't even started.
Once, I dropped Allison and Genevieve off for P.E., I came home and got everyone else ready for the day. It was also time for me to dig out the 6-18month old toys out of the garage. Sophia has been getting more mobile and wanting a little more excitement than her rattles were giving her. I found 3 bins in the garage that kept mostly Isaac and a little Sophia busy for most of the morning.
Mess? What mess?
I put Sophia to sleep, had Jon watch her and went to pick up Allison and Evie. They were wet and covered in whipped cream. I put Evie in the bath in my room, took my shower for the day and Allison was going to class so she stayed wet. Well, Sophia didn't wake in time for the older kids class so Allison graciously offered to stay with her and let Jon go by himself. It was so nice, since Sophia is still very sick and I really didn't think waking her was a good idea. I took Jon to class and Allison took a shower.
A clean but sunburned Allison...
Do you think we might be related?
Maybe some day I'll be able to say that we were all clean and had our hair brushed on the same day. Nah, that's just pushing it. lol
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My Daily Ramblings...
So, pretty much, my whole day yesterday was playing I went back and forth to the YMCA all day long. In between running, I gave Sophia a breathing treatment and tried to get kids to eat lunch. I was not very successful on the lunch.LOL After everyone had their PE and ate something, I went to the grocery store. YIKES, groceries are getting expensive! I didn't even need any meat.
Isaac is still sick. It sounds like it went straight to his chest. We're trying to get him to take medicine but it's really hard. He thinks all medicine is the stuff that we give him at the hospital to make him loopy for the surgery. He completely freaks out. He was even freaking out when we gave Sophia her medicine. NOT FUN!!! I've been trying to bribe him with chocolate but it's not
On to better things...
Here's a cute photo of Sophia, she's such a ham for the camera...
Yep, I'm cute and I know it...
She's getting better. I keep trying to move her breathing treatments to 3x a day instead of 4x a day, but she's just not ready. We were supposed to be able to do that after Sunday but every time I move them further apart, she gets wheezy again. Maybe in a day or two she'll be ready.
I guess that's it for now. Blogger's being a pain and this post took me forever with all the photo errors I kept getting. I'm going to work on some more of my list today since the only running I need to do is tonight for Allison's bible study group. I think I'll make the chicken soup since Isaac's not feeling well and maybe the muffins.
Monday, August 27, 2007
My Menu for this week...
Isaac now has this illness. Please pray that he doesn't get as bad as Sophia did.
My plans for the week are:
1. make granola
2. make granola bars
3. make tortillas
4. make muffins for freezer
5. make meatballs for freezer
6. finish that horrible cabinet in dining room
7. get some chicken soup in the freezer
Hopefully, we'll get some of the above done. If we all fall ill, I hope to at least get the freezer stuff done.
Here's my menu;
Fried Rice
Skillet Lasagne
chicken and dumplings
lentils and rice
Porkchops, noodles, and steamed broccoli
Meatball subs
(all served with salad and fruit)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The Sophia Chronicles...
She's not been able to handle tummy time for the past month, until today. She's really enjoying the new found freedom now that she can breathe! I can't wait until she's all better. This has been one of the longest months I've had in a while. Please continue to pray for a complete healing for Sophia. She's feeling better, the breathing treatments are working, but it's going to be at least 2 weeks before she's completely off her meds and hopefully all better.
Tummy time!
This little romper I got from Old Navy. I love the light pink color with the brown trim. It goes sooo nicely with her strawberry colored hair. I don't love the quality, but it's a keeper.
Watch me roll!!!
Well, that's it for now. I will have to take some more photos of all the really cute things I found for my very chunky lady. I want to thank all the ladies over at Support4Homeschool for helping me find some cute little baby things for my not so small lady.
Here's another photo...this one is of a new sleeper from Old Navy...
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Sophia Chronicles...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Epic of Isaac...
Well, for one thing notice the black lip? That's from him running through Grandma's house, falling over a shopping cart and busting his lip.
Now, if that wasn't enough, yesterday he decided to eat some glue. You know the kind that says, "Harmful or Fatal if Swallowed!!!" After calling poison control and finding out that he will be fine and I quote, "If he doesn't vomit, get dizzy, become lethargic, or act 'funny', then he'll be fine." Has this person ever had a 2 year old? The very first thing he did was choke on a cracker and cough for an hour, spin around until he fell (over and over again), then try to take a nap (since it was the end of the day) and basically act goofy all day long.
I think he's going to be the end of me. Luckily, HE survived.
The Sophia Chronicles...
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Sophia Chronicles...
My Daily Ramblings...
Allison and I are "Crack People."
Yes, we are some of the unfortunate souls, who sadly, fall through the cracks during dinner and lunch time. Allison usually misses dinner on account of helping me with the baby. She'll be off rocking or playing or singing to Sophia so that I can prepare a tasty meal for those who do not ever miss a meal. During lunch, I'm so busy fixing everyone else food, food that I can't eat, that I completely forget that I haven't eaten.
Signs that you too are becoming or have already become a CRACK PERSON...
1. You fix 42 different things for lunch and not one of those things is something that you can or will eat. Give yourself -42 points if the name of one of those items has the word "nuggets" or "sticks" in it.
2. You find yourself eating a bowl of "something" after everyone goes to bed each night because otherwise you'd eat your pillow in your sleep.
3. If you do eat one day, you do it standing up. Otherwise, someone will help you eat it.
4. You find yourself fiercely defending the "seconds" because you know some people haven't even had "firsts."
5. When you look in the fridge for leftovers, nothing looks familiar.
6. The last time you sat down was last Tuesday and you're looking forward to doing it again sometime soon.
7. If, before you consider sitting down to eat, you calculate the time you think you have before your fellow crack partner asks for a break.(She doesn't look THAT hungry, I'm sure she can wait 10 more minutes...)
8. If you don't have a partner, you wonder just how long you can go before you starve.
If you have answered yes to even one of these, you're beginning the spiral downward and you probably have a sick and cranky baby. Unfortunately, there is no cure. You must just wait out the condition, a bit like chicken pox. A nice bath after your bowl of something can sometimes make you feel better. Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In 2 or more years, you will be free from the Crack and on your way to healing.
Now, there is a different type of Crack People out there and unfortunately, my poor son Jon falls into this category. He has Information Crack. No matter what is going on, he will miss the MEMO. He is the poor soul who, for some unknown reason, never knows what's going on until we are leaving or it's happening. I will go to the bottom of the stairs and yell up to him, "JON!!! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" and the poor guy will open his door, look confused (this is a major symptom of Info Crack), and ask, "What? Where are we going?!?!?" Somehow, I manage to tell everyone in the whole house and never Jon. Beware, Info Crack can make you paranoid. It makes you walk around, aimlessly asking people if something is going to happen soon. There doesn't seem to be a cure, although I'm sure if you spent more time out of your room you'd hear more of what's going on. (hint, hint, Jon) ;)
Well, back to work. I KNOW I'm forgetting to do SOMETHING but I can't remember what...
My Menu for this week...
Pancakes (blueberry, chocolate chip, plain)
Muffins (PBJ, chocolate chip, oatmeal/brown sugar, donut)
eggs, bacon, and biscuits (I'll freeze some biscuits and bacon)
granola bars (plain and peanutbutter/chocolate chip)
granola for the pantry
Grilled PBJ or Cheese sandwiches
"Salad" sandwiches (egg, chicken, or tuna)
mac and cheese (I'd like to freeze some so I'll make it from scratch)
Ramen (without flavor packets, made with chicken broth, veggies, and a little leftover meat)
Tuna Noodle Casserole (we missed this last week)
Grilled Steak, baked potatoes, broccoli w/cheese
Chili, corn bread and salad
Pasta Carbonara, bread sticks, salad
Black Beans and Rice w/salad
Hamburgers, spicy oven baked potato wedges (from fresh steamed greenbeans w/hambits.
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Daily Ramblings...
The Sophia Chronicles...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My Daily Ramblings...
I've been working on some ideas on the china hutch that we keep all our supplies on. I bought some more bins of different sizes to see if that would help. So far, it's just made things easier to access for the littles.LOL I'm not convinced that's a good idea but Evie was able to set the paint up for both her and Isaac with no help from me and well, that's a good thing. I think we'll see how this pans out before I'll decide whether it's good or bad.LOL Here's some photos of her and Isaac painting...
Here are the bins that I bought...
Here's Isaac playing with the paint...
I won't post the clean up but let's say that it was messy.LOL
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Daily Ramblings...
Sophia 2
Here's what the kids decided to do while I veg out...
Video games anyone?
Allison's able to play and be played on at the very same time...
Jon called this his "Serious face"
The kids said I should post all the outtakes from this little photo session but I don't want to scare you all so I'll just say that these were actually the best shots out of 20.LOL
The Back To School Clean Up Challenge...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Why would I take time to make my own tortillas...
All you need is a rolling pin. Make sure that the dough is a little sticky, if not then add a little more water to the mix. It should look like this...
Take a ball about this big...
Then let it rest that 10 minutes. You'll have an easy pliable dough. Roll it out with ample flour under and over it and make it thin.
Roll it thin...
Now, have your pan already hot and just lightly grease it, I use Pam. Throw your tortilla in and wait until it gets some light brown spots on it and flip. Wait until that side is speckled and it's done! Each tortilla will only take about 1-2 minutes to make. I usually make my next tortilla while one is cooking.
Now it'll rise some more, when it gets speckles, it's done...
The finished product. I got about 22 from my dough...
Here are some ideas that we are going to try this week or things we've done last week...
Lentils and Rice (yum)
Eggs and Bacon (yum)
Potatoes and Pintos (Dorothy)
Beef and Refried beans
Chicken Salad
on the side with soup (Split Pea is good!)
BBQ Pork or Beef
Taco Stuff
Really, anything goes!
3 cups flour
2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup hot water
Combine first 3 ingredients. Add Shortening and combine until it looks like little peas. Add hot water and knead together to form a ball. Let rest for 10 minutes. Roll out in 10-12 tortillas and cook on a med hot skillet.
Here are some updates on my tortilla making...
I LOVE making tortillas! I make them once a week right now. The recipe is on my blog and since then I've perfected the cooking.
Enjoy! We are. :)
My Menu for this week...
Here's the menu for this week. I went shopping during Sophia's nap this afternoon and I'm happy to have that over with.
Taco Lentil Rice
BBQ Chicken, potatoes, steamed broccoli with cheese
Fried Rice
Tuna Noodle Casserole and salad
Hash, steamed greenbeans
Roasted Pork Loin, rice and salad
You've never had tortillas until you've made them from scratch! These are fabulous! They make every meal taste better.LOL We had them wrapped around eggs and bacon for breakfast the other day. YUM!
Friday, August 10, 2007
3 cups flour
2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup hot water
Combine first 3 ingredients. Add Shortening and combine until it looks like little peas. Add hot water and knead together to form a ball. Let rest for 10 minutes. Roll out in 10-12 tortillas and cook on a med hot skillet.
My Daily Ramblings...
Evie doing what she loves most, hanging out in Jon's room playing video games...
Allison doing what she loves most, singing and playing her guitar...
Sophia, bouncing and bouncing. I'm thinking we should have called her Tigger...
Isaac saying THE END...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
The Back To School Clean Up Challenge

I have picked my clean-up challenge. It was hard to pick just one thing since many things need my attention BUT I wanted to pick a room or area that directly affected our homeschooling experience. So without further ado...
I'll try to do the other two cabinets also but these need it the most. I have my work cut out for me. I not only need to clean and organize. I need to find a way to keep it that way!
My Daily Ramblings...
Yesterday we took a trek to the local Michaels for some much needed art supplies. Everyone left the store happy with what we bought.LOL We also received some toys for Isaac in the mail yesterday from Amazon. I happened to look at their close out toys and found this hot rod for $5.00. I thought it was going to be the size of a matchbox car but it is huge! Very nice quality and all the doors open as does the trunk and hood. He loved it so much, he slept with it last night.LOL
In exciting young adult news, my dd passed her drivers test yesterday! I'm so proud of her. We go tomorrow for the Learners Permit and she'll be driving in no time. My wonderful dh has accepted the challenge of teaching her to drive. I just don't think learning with 4 other kids in the car is the best environment.LOL Although I guess it would be like a trial by