Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My Daily Ramblings...

This is what I did today...
Dining Room

Great Room

I've been avoiding this for quite some time but it had to be done. Both carpets required me to go over them two times and I had to apply pretreater just to get everything up. They are now drying nicely and if I can keep these kids off the carpet until completely dry they should be in good shape for a while. I also cleaned the couch while I was at it.LOL

Allison did a great job making granola bars this morning for breakfast. It is so nice to have help. She's really stepped up and has also been getting her math done in record time. I can't wait to get her in the next book. She's been struggling in math for a while and to see her get through this is wonderful.

Jon's ill. He caught whatever has been going around the house. I'd be grateful for prayers for him. He really struggles with illness.
Isaac and Sophia are getting better! I'm so thankful for everyone's prayers! What a blessing to have so many people praying for my little ones. They have truly been felt.
I have two more posts I'd like to get to today, so I'll cut this


Cynthia said...

I hope Jon gets over it ASAP! I admire you for shampooing your own rugs. I always have to hire it out. It's literally all I can do just to move all of the furniture and get ready for him to come.

Lisa in Jax said...

Thanks Cindy. He is starting to feel better all ready. That's a blessing for sure!

Move the furniture?! I don't move the furniture.LOL Well, I did move the table and chairs but everything else hasn't moved since we moved here. I just figure that it can't get dirty if something is sitting on it.LOL

I do have to say that we plan on replacing it with hard floors whenever I can no longer get the spots up.LOL