Monday, June 18, 2007

The Preschool Rotation...part two

The next rotation for the day was Arts and Crafts...we decided on the messy act of Finger Painting...which turned into Body Art 101...

Evie from behind since we paint without

Isaac and his art...

I'm pretty sure from these photos you can guess what came next.LOL Water Play!

(While they were getting cleaned up, I started some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and fed the baby.)

After bath time, Evie did some Preschool Phonics, while Isaac had a rest time. We worked on the letter M...

Can you tell she's getting tired of the photos?LOL

Once Isaac was done resting for a few minutes, I had Jon take him outside for some fresh air...

Outside Rotation #1

Must make mess...

Are we having fun yet?

Now we've hit most of one rotation today and it's 4:30. Eric will do Story Time with the littles tonight for bedtime and I'm off to make dinner. It's been a pretty good day, just a few snags and scuffles but really good considering everyone and everything that needed done, got done. If the littles have trouble while I'm doing dinner, then I'll go to Play Set Rotation #2 for them and have them play quietly in the kitchen while I work. (separately if needed) Here is the current list of activities for them to choose from....

Play Set Rotation

Play Mobile, Legos, Blocks and cars, Games, Leap Pad, Play Clothes, Store, Kitchen, Puzzles, Puppets, Easy Bake Oven, Doll House, Nuts and Bolts, Marble Works, String Beads and Lace Ups, Feltboard, Train Set, and Kapla Blocks.




Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of doing the rotations. I have a hard time juggling keeping DS occupied, tending the house, and homeschooling my teen.

I usually spend all day trying to contain DS's chaos, neglecting the house, and leaving DD to fend for her self. *sigh*

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL This has been most of our year. Me playing catch up and the littles destroying the house. This has been the first thing to help.

Jodi said...

Sounds like you've found a system that really works well!

Love the baby spinning thing, guess Sophia gets some rotation too, LOL.

Cynthia said...

FUN FUN! You're brave to allow the finger painting. I don't like to have that big of a mess here. I'm really not all that much fun (LOL).

Lisa in Jax said...

VERY FUNNY Jodi!LOLOL Yes, we try to keep them all moving throughout the day.LOL

We love art here. Lots of paint, stickers, playdough, really anything messy!lol