Friday, June 15, 2007

The Epic of Isaac...

We had a scare with Isaac yesterday. He was outside with big brother and all the sudden started screaming. At first I was afraid that he hurt his hand or wrist. He was covered in dirt so I stuck him in the tub and started questioning Jon. Jon was confused because Isaac was just standing there when he started screaming. After I got him cleaned up, I noticed his thumb was swollen. It turns out he must have been stung by something, probably a wasp! I was kicking myself for putting him in hot water but by then it was too late. Luckily, he didn't get an allergic reaction but we're going to need to be careful now that he's been exposed to that sting. We have severe reactions to stings in our family. He seems no worse for wear this time.

It was so cute. Every time we'd ask to see his thumb, he'd stick his tongue. LOL

I'm so thankful that he's o.k.!




Cynthia said...

OUCH! Poor little guy. Nathan (3 at the time) was stung by a bee last year at the lake. He said he was just trying to "play" with the bee!

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL! BOYS. I wouldn't be surprised if Isaac was doing the same.

Debbie said...

Poor little guy. Our Gabe had a terrible topical reaction to a Jellow Jacket sting. The doctor didn't think it would be a problem, but because we spend a lot of time in the woods well away from medical help, she presribed an Epi-pen. We carry it with us whenever we go out hiking.

So glad he is okay.

Jodi said...

Oh How scary! Glad he's ok now.

Lisa in Jax said...

It was a scary moment but he's been fine. I'm glad that it wasn't any worse.