Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm going to answer some of the menu questions here. LOL


My kids all love the homemade breakfasts. My older kids grew up on cereal and do not see it as a treat. Evie does horrible on cereal, she can't focus and bounces off the walls all day if she starts her day with it and Isaac doesn't like it.

Morning here starts at 6:00am. Eric wakes the older kids and Sophia wakes me.LOL The older kids grab something from the freezer and sometimes a smoothie, Eric eats peanutbutter toast and a smoothie and then Eric goes to work and the kids go upstairs to "school". Sophia usually stays up until 7 and I entertain her and sometimes grab a piece of toast to tide me over. After she goes to sleep, I go into SUPER-OVERDRIVE!!!LOL Evie always gets up by 7 and either helps me with breakfast or watches cartoons. If Sophia is sleeping hard, then I fix a big breakfast. Yesterday was peanutbutter-chocolate chip pancakes, smoothies, and bacon. I fix double what the kids can eat, freeze half and feed the other half to the kids. I also cook all bacon and freeze the leftovers. Today was a quick day, since Sophia only slept an hour, so I fixed a couple of eggs, leftover bacon, and some cut up strawberries. I keep the extra eggs on the warmer on my stovetop and keep refilling their plates until they can't eat anymore.LOL I've found that if I keep filling the littles plates until they are full, they won't need a snack before lunch time. I usually take some fresh breakfast up to the working kids on days when I have time but they don't get snacks unless I do that. Yesterday, they got pancakes, today, nothing.LOL

Produce is HUGE around here. I don't know how to reduce that cost, although, we planted blueberry bushes in our backyard and we have two orange trees that produced maybe 4 oranges this past January.LOL I am starting a garden with Jon and will hopefully be able to reduce our bill by freezing the extras. Also, I'm planting strawberries and watermelon because we eat a lot of those over the summer and they're expensive.

The older kids finish all their work by 11:00am and then we start lunch. The older kids do most of the lunch duty since I do breakfast. Jon just made omelets and I'm going to have leftovers. The littles will have sandwiches since they had eggs for breakfast.

I've found that with a hot breakfast, the kids are not hungry like with cereal. Sometimes, they aren't even ready for lunch when it's lunchtime.

The kids get a snack around 2:30-3 and it's usually peanutbutter crackers or creamcheese crackers and carrots or fruit.

Jon is doing culinary arts for school this year and fixes dinner 2-3 times a week and helps with bread baking on Tuesdays. Allison is doing home ec this year and helps plan menus and grocery lists each week along with her other duties. She's not a big fan of cooking but does help with lunches and baking.

For those last minute kind of days, I like to have on hand or in the freezer; muffins, pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, granola bars, yogurt, and granola. I fix these mostly in the morning but some of these are made during our Tuesday baking times.

This is how I plan my week:

Monday-laundry day (I do all my regular chores as do the kids but our focus is getting the laundry caught up and the house in order from the weekend.)

Tuesday-baking day and/or ironing (Muffins, bread, granola, buns, rolls, sandwich loaf, anything needing baking done today, along with our regular chores. Allison loves to iron and usually does this while Sophia is taking her afternoon nap.)

Wednesday-declutter (We all pick a room and work through it, taking out things we no longer need. Books, outgrown clothes/shoes, papers, mail, office work, etc...)

Thursday-deep clean (We all pick a room and deep clean it. Bathrooms get the bleach treatment, kitchen gets scrubbed, bedrooms get sheets changed, toy room gets organized, dust is removed, etc...)

Friday-laundry and grocery day (Laundry gets caught up for the weekend and the grocery list is made. The house gets a once over and then we either go shopping or play.LOL)

Saturday and Sunday are for us to enjoy.LOL

Now, we worked up to this slowly over time. Until I had a bunch of stuff in the freezer, we still had cereal on those days that I couldn't cook. Now managing the freezer stuff is easy! I may only need to stock up on one thing each week and sometimes I can skip a week. When the kids weren't working so early, they did help with breakfast. Jon is great at eggs and Allison is great at pancakes but I'd rather have school over with than help with breakfast.LOL


About dh's who don't like hot breakfasts, don't feed them it.LOL Just cook something for the kids, get them used to something better than cereal. I don't know of any kid who would turn down chocolate chip pancakes. You can always add in the healther stuff slowly over time. You may want more cooler stuff for the summer, like smoothies, granola bars, and fresh fruit. Even if they eat that cereal, it doesn't mean they can't have something healthier with it.




Jodi said...

Sounds like you have a great routine going.

I too have noticed that hot breakfasts seem to stay with the kids much better. If we do cereal, bagels or toast they are needing a snack by 10:00.

Kristine said...

Lisa, you should give yourself a pat on the back for having everything SO organized! I know you've sometimes felt overwhelmed with the new baby, but I think you are AWESOME!!! I probably have had two days in my whole life where I'm as together as you seem to be almost every day!


Lisa in Jax said...

LOL Thanks Kristine. If anything, I have a PLAN. It doesn't always go as planned but knowing that if I can just get a little bit done each day that I can make a difference is a big deal to me. I used to say, what's the point? My house was a wreck and my home life suffered. Now, I've been learning moderation and can really see a difference in the way I feel and the way the kids act. It is so nice to have a clean home for Eric to come home to.LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

Thanks Jodi! It's amazing how the extra effort can keep those kids going for quite a while. It reminds me of the book Cheaper by the Dozen. Cooking breakfast saves me "steps".LOL

Kathy in WA said...

Lisa, this was a wonderful post! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out. I hope you don't mind if I ask a few more questions. :) It's late so I'll save them for later.

Thanks again for "spelling" this all out for me. I read every word and will go back and re-read it again. I love gleaning from others.

Lisa in Jax said...


Ask away! I'm enjoying writing this all down.LOL

I loved your post today on your blog about having a heart for service! It has helped me to see two of my kids in a different light.



Amico Dio said...

This is a great post Lisa!!

You have given me some great ideas!! Awesome job!

Lisa in Jax said...

Thanks Amy. I've been to your blog and was thinking that our blogs go well together.LOL