Monday, May 07, 2007

I forgot to mention my dishwasher.LOL I waited all day Friday for the repair man and he never showed. I'm pretty used to this from Miami where if they say they'll be out on Friday, it really means sometime within a week from Friday.LOL Saturday we called Lowes again to remind them of the "Friday" appointment and found that yes, they were planning on Friday but got behind and would be out on Saturday. Finally, around 4 the guy showed up. He was extremely nice, very overworked and was able to fix the dishwasher very quickly. Somehow a little piece of plastic from one of the racks broke off and got lodged in the motor or something like He is ordering a whole new part and will bring it by sometime this week. Otherwise, the machine is working again! Hurray!!!

Yesterday, after church, Eric and Jon took the littles swimming in our pool. They were out there all day and had such a great time. I'm so glad that they swam yesterday because it's COLD today! I was a little surprised when I went outside this Last night we finally got some rain but we also got some really high winds. The cover for our patio blew away into the yard and I'm afraid it may be broken. I sure hope not! Without it, the littles won't be able to play in the extreme heat that we get most of the summer. I'll have the older kids assess the damage when they're done with school today. That cover is so important. I know that it doesn't seem like it should be, but with Isaac's surgeries every two months, he wouldn't be able to go outside without it. I would love to have a covered patio someday.

Today is going great so far! The kids were woken up at 6 this morning and have been diligently working since 6:30. They should be done by 11:30. I got up with the baby at 7:30 this morning and Evie got up 15 minutes later. I've found that Sophia likes to eat, spend just a few minutes playing, especially with Evie, and then likes to take her morning nap. She was asleep in the swing by 8. Then I fixed the littles apple-cinnamon pancakes for breakfast. They promptly turned their noses up at them and haven't touch them yet.LOL I will probably fix them an early lunch since they will be hungry soon. I was also able to start the laundry, pick up the house, clean the kitchen, get the littles ready for the day, and take my shower. I know that not everyday will go this smoothly but I'm thankful for a good start to our week. The second half of the day will be for big projects today. I need to iron, vacuum and mop, bathrooms will need to be cleaned and my big project for the month is decluttering all the books in my house. I have kept so much and would like to clean out what I'll never use again. Yes, I'm a curriculum junkie. The first step is admitting it.LOL Now I must clean up my hoarding ways.LOL

Tomorrow afternoon is baking day and Jon is going with my mom to get some new clothes. He's outgrown everything he owns in the past week or two. He is now in men's sizes. Yikes! That should cost us now that we have two adult sized kids!

I'm hoping to take the littles to the park on Thursday. This will be our first park outing since the baby arrived. I'm still looking for help but so far no one has responded to my ad. LOL I guess no one is up to the challenge.

Well, the kids just came down and are done for the day! They were so excited to be back at work and very happy to be done for the day. It's 11 right now and I've been working on this post for a while now.LOL

Since I started the post, Isaac has come down with a fever. I'm thinking it's from the "well check" he had on Friday. I hate taking the littles to the dr. Every time I do, they end up sick. They should call them Inoculation days, not well checks. Other than that, life is




Cynthia said...

I sure hope your cover isn't broken. I'm SURE you need it! And, I'm glad the dishwasher didn't have a "major" issue! I can't imagine being without it for very long.

Jodi said...

So glad your dishwasher is working again!

Trevor, my oldest, is in mens sizes now too and is almost as tall as me, within an inch I think. It's very strange to me to shop in the mens section for my first baby. LOL

Kristine said...

I can't believe it's your dishwasher this time around. I guess the good news is that your appliances should last a really long time after you get through replacing/repairing them all. Ugh! (And at least it was fixable. Our d/w got a bone lodged free, totally destroying the motor, and we had to replace it. It's not from a cut that we eat, so it'd been in there for quite a while.)