Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Jon's new school books. I have always hoped that all of my children would go through Sonlight 5 and now it's Jon's turn. I LOVED this year! Allison used this when she was in 5th grade and loved it but Jon just wasn't old enough. I always felt that Allison was a little too young for it in 5th grade, so I have decided that this is the year for Jon to go through it. It is just so meaty and inspirational with all of the missionary stories! I'm excited! We also ordered CQLA Level B Volume 3 for Jon's language arts. We already have the math and science and Jon starts homeschool P.E. today at 2. Now to find him an extracurricular activity and we'll have a complete year. I will sign him up for Flag Football today but I think I'll just add that to his P.E. credit. I guess we'll be brainstorming this week to figure out what he would like to do this year. Either way, we're excited! We keep looking for those boxes. LOL I'm sure they'll be here sometime this week.



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