Friday, April 24, 2009

My Project...

Yesterday, my Mom took all the kids to the zoo. I stayed home to have some time to finish a project I've been working on...

Matching dresses for Evie and Sophia...


I bought this blue eyelet at Walmart a few weeks ago and finally decided to make the dresses. They turned out pretty good. Not perfect (darn it!) but pretty good.LOL Sophia's is a little snug and Evie's is a little big. I think I did pretty good considering I didn't have a pattern. I used the pink Easter dress for a pattern for Sophia's and part of a pattern for the top of Evie's. I had to have an under-layer for the dresses due to the fabric and it was tricky. I like the shape and next time I just make Sophia's a little bigger. At least she can wear it for a month or two.LOL



Heather said...

I'm AGAIN in awe of your sewing skills, Lisa. Way to go!

Wild Homeschool Family said...

The dresses came out so nice!