Yesterday was such a beautiful day that I went nuts and took all the kids to Walmart to get some play sand. $88.00 later, the kids ended up spending the whole day I have absolutely no will power when it comes to summer stuff. We got 3 bags of sand, a package of bubble wands, 2 bags of those ball pit balls for the trampoline (we have a net that keeps everyone and everything ON the trampoline), 2 plastic golf club sets (for the littles to beat each other and of course a brand new selection of sand toys. I basically had to drag everyone inside when it started getting
This morning I went to my dr's appt and before I even left they were asking if they could go outside as soon as they were all Today also was a beautiful day! Out they went for most of the morning. My appt didn't go as I had hoped but I now have an end date for this pregnancy. Evidently, the baby is head down but NOT engaged and the dr is concerned. He has decided to induce me if I don't have this baby by Monday. So at the latest, this baby will be born on Monday! I'm excited but a little nervous. I would be extremely grateful for prayers for the baby's safety and that she decides to show up before Monday.
Well, after the appt, I decided to take everyone to the park. My mom and brother came by while we were there and stayed with us. The littles had SUCH a great time! They are both pretty tired out and I'm hoping they'll sleep well tonight.
Unfortunately, once we got home, Evie started acting funny. I thought it was just the fresh air and sun but no, she's come down with the cold that Jon had. If you all could pray for healing for the whole family, I'd be grateful. Eric is sick, now Evie, and I'm getting the sore throat. UGH! Not good. I had really hoped that we would skip this illness but I also knew that we haven't skipped any illnesses this whole pregnancy so I guess we'll just have to live...lolol I just can't imagine going into labor with a sore throat. That does not sound like fun.
Well, that's our day. I really enjoyed getting out and I know that the kids did too. After all that excitement, I took a nap.lolol Here's praying that this baby's here tomorrow.
I'm praying that the baby comes and the sore throat goes away! ~Yvonne
Praying for all...
So sorry to hear Evie is coming down with a cold. This is NOT a good time for you all to be sick. Praying here in WA!
Thank you all for praying! I really appreciate it!
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