Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Daily Ramblings...

I think this little one makes it too easy to get a good photo.LOL Makes me take far too many of her.


Here is a spiffy new dress I picked up for Genevieve at the new Wally world that opened this past weekend. It's just so summerific!

We all got the suds this past weekend. I took everyone to my favorite Dr. and got prescriptions for 3 out of 4 of us but never got a chance to fill them. I ended up with the nasty vomit bug less than an hour after I got home from the Dr's. YUCK. Well, no one died without the meds, so I may hold off on them until I feel well enough to actually go somewhere. Maybe they'll all be well by then and I won't need to get them.LOL

Our nighttime study of world history and the Old Testament is going well. We've been doing it together as a family and I'm very glad. Our first book to read aloud was Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis and it contained things that I never imagined and was glad that I could skip certain chapters without having the kids read them. Good book, just read first and perhaps read aloud and skip what you feel is inappropriate for your kids to be learning about. Next up is The Cat of Bubastes by Hente. I've heard he's a tough read but I'm prepared.LOL I am really enjoying reading aloud again to the older kids! Years of Sonlight gave me a true love for reading with my kids. I've been reading to the littles but they just don't have the attention span of this first I find myself reading aloud to no one at times. I know that someone handed me a book but that someone long wandered

So other than being sick as dogs, we've been keeping pretty busy. Jon's gotten big into Scouts. Camping, camping and even more The littles and I have spent far too much time and money at A Day of Play or at the park. Allison has been knee deep into her next semester of school work. Evie is a natural at her gymnastics, just loves her coach and the sport. Jon finished up his engineering course and is looking forward the next course. Sophia is running, climbing, and getting into a million times worth of trouble than the first 4 kids. She still has only 5 teeth. Sure would be nice if she'd get on with getting the rest. She loves to EAT and I can't make soup everyday or the other family members will As a growing young lady of 26 pounds!!! It'd be nice if we could reduce the nursing and increase the real food. I'm worn

Guess that's it for now. I'm recovering but still weak and praying that no one else gets this. That'd be BAD.LOL



Debbie said...

Hope you all feel better soon.

Sophia is a doll and I love Evie's new dress.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ugh - glad you are all recovering. The photos are great. Henty was tough for me to read aloud but the children all love him. I found that audio Hentys are great for trips say from TX to AK. ::snort::

Jodi said...

Sorry to hear about the suds. Hope you're all better soon.

I too have found my younger kids less attentive of read alouds than my older ones were at the same ages. Not really sure why.

Lots of cute pictures, as usual!

Amy said...

What a pretty dress!

Kristine said...

I'm interested to hear how Henty goes for you. We failed. But oh well!