Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Long time, no see...

I think that next year, I may just take the whole summer off from blogging. At least if I announce it, I wouldn't feel so guilty about not getting around to it.lol

Things have been crazy-busy here. Here's an update, for my records of everyone and what the future holds for them. LOL

Allison- She's going to college this year! Pretty neat! I happened to look into the dual enrollment program at our local college and it is a perfect fit for her. My dh and Allison met with the D-E coordinator last week and she was very impressed with Allison's test scores and her work ethic. She appoved her immediately for the program and now Allison is enrolled in two classes this semester and will take up to three classes next semester. In other words, she will finish out all her credits at the college and I'm actually DONE with one student. Wow! What a shock for this to come one year early. It's a great opportunity for her though and it allows other colleges to see that she's ready for college work.

In other news, she's also decided to join two different swim teams this school year. She'll go to the local high school team and the YMCA year-round team. This is along with working too.

Jon- Here's Jon's subject list for the year...

MUS Precalc
Apologia Adv Chem
Apologia Physics
Notgrass World History
IEW Adv Communication Series
Teaching the Classics
Japanese 2

He's also continuing with Boy Scouts. It's his hope to become an Order of the Arrow this year and I think he'll do just fine.

Genevieve- Here's Evie's list...

Formal Curriculum...
MUS Alpha
Apologia Astronomy
Spell to Write and Read
I Can Do All Things

We bought her 150 readers for this year. They are levels 1, 2, and 3. She'll be reading through the ones that interest her and we'll save the ones that don't for the next two. We got GREAT deals through ebay.

I'll be reading classics to her from our collection of books. They will cover a range of different subjects. My plan is to follow her interests and to also broaden her knowledge base. The more she knows, the more she'll want to know. :)

We'll also begin memory work and reading the Bible each day.

She's also going to continue with gymnastics two days a week. She's made wonderful progress this summer and her coach is very happy as is Evie. It's a sport that she really enjoys.

Isaac- We'll begin preschool with him. VERY gently.lol I'll work on teaching him his letters, counting, sharing...lol All in good fun. I've been visiting the Dollar Store and Michaels to refill our activity bins and have found some fun things to keep him and Sophia busy this year.

Sophia- Activity bins. Lots of them.lol We'll be rotating her around to different rooms and different activities all day long until the school work is done for the day. Trying to keep her busy, will be the hardest part of the school year! I'm also working on some Montessori practical tray exercises to keep her and Isaac busy too. I'll have a dish washing bin, a veggie peeling tray, and a cheese cutting tray.

I'm also working on schedules for chores, revamping the menus and grocery lists for fall/winter, and organizing the new school space.

I guess that's it for now. lol I've got to get off this computer and get back to work.



Cynthia said...

What a great opportunity for Allison! Sounds like you have your year well planned.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Congrats to you and Allison.

Your year sounds wonderful. I really do need to think of a plan for next year but I can't even remember what year we finished of TOG last year at this point. ::snort::

My plan now is to arrive, get a home, unpack and then figure out where to go. I remember packing 9 weeks worth of school so the rest should fall in to place after those 9 weeks are up. LOL I hope I packed them and they weren't in the van. I guess I'll see. LOL

Kristine said...

Lisa, what a blessing it is to have your year all planned out. It looks great--and it looks doable. :)